That's right! I am! Mike proposed Christmas Eve night at my mom's house. In the room were my mom, me, Mike, my sister Stephanie, my sister Nicole and my niece Miakah. We were opening presents and I was on my last present which was a Hello Kitty mitten shaped stocking. Inside was the ring box. I opened the box looked at Mike then my mom and said "Is this what I think this is?" I was crying, Mike was crying so much that Stephanie said "well are you going to ask her or what?!" She's very blunt and know for saying what she thinks...lol. Mike was so emotional that all he could get out was "so you wanna get hitched?" Of course I said YES! We told his family the next day at Christmas and everyone is very happy for us. No plans for a wedding yet, going to take our time. This will be a second marriage for the both of us.
Funny story...Monday morning I had coffee with my friend April who I meet for coffee every Monday and Friday mornings. We were exchanging presents Christmas Eve morning and after we were done she said she had some exciting news which I figured was some cheesey gossip about one of our friends or one of her co-workers. She said that her boyfriend Matt a.k.a "Sarge" had proposed to her on Saturday. I of course busted out bawling and gave her a hug, which I DO NOT HUG PEOPLE!! I was so very happy for her and them both. Sarge is a good guy and very happy for the two of them. This will be the second marriage for them as well.
Funny...within 2 days me and my best friend April are engaged...who would've guessed?
CONGRATS! AMANDA! That's so romantic.
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WOO HOO for you two! Congrats, plus very VERY pretty bling!
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