I haven't decided yet what if anything I might get and where I would put it. I guess I will just have to wait and see.
Since I will be on a plane for approximately 10 or more hours in the next 4 days this will give me time to catch up on doing some knitting. I have no idea what I want to make right now. I did buy 2 balls of Lavish 100% Superfine Alpaca in Cranberry and 2 balls in Royal Blue last night at MisKnits to possibly make Mike some fingerless gloves. I can't believe I'm actually considering making something KU related... I did try to start on the gloves last night but I think I was having a case of "Knitters Block". Couldn't decide if gloves was what I wanted to make, what exactly I wanted to make or how exactly I was going to make something. I will post when I get back as to what I finally worked on when we get back home.
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